• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018

Pen Mightier

I proved my namesake in a duel of honour. The crayon never stood a chance.

Featured Story I

Featured Story II

Meet The Team

Bringing You Entertainment!
Please give the team your thanks by checking out their page and giving them a follow/subscription/like! Many thanks!

The Editors

Dumbgamer is our first editor, known for his lightning-quick work, excellent wit and immense patience in working around my erratic update schedule, sometimes mere hours before release.

He is the man behind the editing and proofreading for:
- 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing
- King of the Night
- All Butlers are Gentlemen, But...

Not A Hat is fellow writer, an excellent one at that. If you haven't checked out his stories yet, you are missing out. Ceci n'est pas une chapeau, OKAY?!

He is involved in:
- 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing

Brad The Brony is a long time reader, editor and community member, involved in many big-name stories like Arad's Stardust. He is also a Brony. Just thought I'd mention that.

He is involved in:
- 1000 Virgin Mares, 1 Frickin' Badass Dark Overdude, Infinite Facehoofing


Do you like ponies? Do you like spaaaaaaaaace? Then you must have heard of Admiral Tigerclaw, the absolute standard in bringing you spaaaaaaaaaace with your ponies. If you haven't already done so, check out his fanfics. Do you know he also does music? Well, now you do.

Citric Acid is a maestro of Orchestral epics, 'Epic' in the sense that his music will rip you from your seat and take you on an epic adventure to the depths of Zecora's homeland to the heights of Cloudsdale. Check him out and meet me in Saddle Arabia for tea.

Featured Story III

Hall of Shout-Outs

Featured Story IV

"Generosity is giving, even when you have nothing left to give, dear."

~Rarity, 1000 Mares~

Welcome to Pen Mightier's, your mismatched collection of all things cute, fluffy, funny, romantic and HiE, sometimes all five at the same time!

My Temptations of the Day

I Kinda Draw Too!

Writing Status

Optimistic Update ETA

Next Story Update:
How to Raise Your Moon Final 3 Chapters

Indefinite delays because of real life problems

Also Working On and Off On:
- 1000 Virgin Mares

Stuck with Writer's Block
- Butler
- Everything else

Current Writer's Block Clearers:
- Sequel to Do Humans Hibernate?

- None

Last Updated 6/16.


A Fascinating Look At Gender Identity · 2:15pm Sep 3rd, 2016

Hi, it's been a while. In case you're all wondering, I'm currently swamped with real life work, hence the general silence. Yay, job, yay, life.

Anyway, I'm here today to help promote a new writer on the site whose work explores something very different - gender identity. Full disclosure, Manifest Harmony, the editor of this story and (unfortunately) one of my best friends, has asked me to help promote it. But trust me, I wouldn't do it if the story wasn't worth mentioning.

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Comments ( 77 )
  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

Thank you for leaving this gems of stories for us. You’ll never really understand just how much you shaped my view on writing. Your work has continuously been an inspiration for my own personal writing. Thank you again, I hope life treats you well wherever you are now.

Miss you man.

Pen Mightier
Are you seeing this?
Things happen I understand.
This is a fandom, I understand.

You inspire me to write. Over time my writing improve. This is a fact, as I look back to the past.
I have no idea what happened to you? Or is happening?
I wish you the best in life. What you left behind is a gift. Thank you!

Here's hoping everything's great for you IRL.
I'll always be holding onto hope that you'll continue one day

  • Viewing 73 - 77 of 77
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