Human Heroes are Superior 845 members · 243 stories

[Banner and image made by me and edited by Tyrannosaurus_Tux]

Same as Humans are Superior but focused on the hero concept.

Yes I'm aware of the Lohah group and no this is not a replacement of HAS

Rules for the forums:
Keep it fun and lively. But if any thread\posts contains misanthropy, villainy, anything negative, and especially forum edge will be shut down.

Rules for the folder:

A Human saving Equestria: An individual human (either normal or god-like) facing impossible odds. But never giving up until he or she wins.

Group of Humans saving Equestria: Stories that contains a band of humans doing what's right for the innocent (Think of it as Band of Brothers in Equestria)

A Human empire saving Equestria: If Equestria is invaded and all hope is lost. A human empire will step in and save the day.

Fall of Equestria (Fall of the Caribou): Humans in a fallen Equestria that every female is a slave. And Humanity will not stand for it. The Caribou's end is coming

Misc: Anything heroic goes.

Ally (Allies):
Humans are superior
If HAS and Humans aren't bastards got together and have a son. Then HAS is the father.
The group of optimism
Always look on the bright of life (Whistle)

Q: Why the lion?

A: The lion represents honour, courage, and justice as symbolisms.

Q: Is there already a hero category in Humans are Superior?

A: Yes. But that's called Ponies protected/saved by humans. As I said early, this group focuses on human heroes

Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 1 - 12 of 12

Hi is this thread still alive?

Would it be ok if the story had the main character develop into the role of hero?

Comment posted by Admiral_Gravleos deleted Jun 30th, 2016

I've made a few of these relating to the HAS Group, but I figured I'd do one for here too.

Banner and Icon now remixed by yours truly.

I gotta say, those songs are boring.
These are better.


If any edgelords do come here. Then I need to be ruthless with them.

I expect higher intelligence levels here, especially without all of the edgelords

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