• Member Since 22nd Nov, 2013
  • offline last seen Oct 1st, 2018


Are you a Rebel?

Bio-logical Warfare Department

"He wakes up once a rare blue moon,
A wizened hack, a raving loon.
To stalk the roads of this here site,
And plague the users, who pray for light."

Oh, and if you haven't figured it out yet, I like Changelings.

... And occasionally I also post chapters.


Where I was the last week · 1:37am Feb 25th, 2018

Yeah, so I was pretty much offline for a solid week, not much fic progress either.

I was away for work unfortunately, and due to the nature of my job I don't really have access to the internet and electricity when I'm out. I mean, pics below are my daily work commute.

(the above is what a rainstorm looks like from the air, if you were wondering).

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Report Dropbear · 2,524 views ·

You Just Entered the Bad Side of Town.

Hurry Up with the Updates!

Currently working on: I Come From a Land Down Under - chapter published
Divine Salvation - 1211 words as of 29/01/2018
Plan B - 2805 words as of 10/02/2018
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold - 1200 words as of 1/2/2018
A new fic to stave off the writer's block (title pending) - One chapter

"This story is stupidly magnificent"


"My body is prepared for the Aussie Shitposting to commence. :pinkiehappy:"

"What in the name of f**l did I just read?"
-Prince of ETERNAL Chaos

Horsewords, Horsewords Everywhere!

Just another day

Comments ( 544 )
  • Viewing 540 - 544 of 544
Comment posted by throwawayforanidiot deleted Aug 19th, 2024

RIP dear author

For your unknown, is pain upon the knowledge of us never knowing the end of your story...

I have a couple so let's hope they are what you're looking for (in epub)

I came to reread a few of the dropbear stories and five are missing, the one I was most looking forward to is the Caribou one with the human female officer. I don't remember too muh other than Nigel and the dragon friend of his show up, and I'm pretty sure theres like antrho sex cults or something. If anyone can find it please tag me x

  • Viewing 540 - 544 of 544
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