• Member Since 28th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Narlepoax III


Where else can you find me?

I can be found on most sites with some variation of my username here. Common ones are: NarlepoaxIII, Narlepoax III, and Narlepoax_III.

Steam and Discord are the most likely places to find me. If you care enough to look me up.

Steam: NarlepoaxIII
Discord: Narlepoax III#6427

Keep in mind though, I'm not a very social person. I don't accept requests from strangers, so let me know if you came from this site.


Well, I'm still alive. Is anyone else? · 3:12pm Oct 15th, 2021

I'm wondering how many of my followers are still kickin' around this site.

I got the random urge to read through my old blogs here. Lemme tell you something:

Don't do that. The sheer amount of cringe I got going through those old posts is unbelievable. There was also nostalgia, but my god I was a whiny shit back in 2014.

Uh... Update time, I guess??

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Report Narlepoax III · 353 views · Story: In the Heat of the Moment ·

Hey, look! I did a thing!

Comments ( 286 )
  • Viewing 277 - 286 of 286
Comment posted by 23 KM To Nerdiness deleted Aug 12th, 2021

Glad to have you aboard on Positive Ponies, friend!

Same here. Must have been some other monkey.

I've been lurking. But yeah, my interaction level has nearly died out.

I have an assload of story ideas, but I try not to delete things I post online. For multiple reasons.

Man, I thought you were dead or something. Haven't seen you around in ages.

Did you delete some stories? I could swear you used to have more. Maybe I'm thinking of some other monkey avatar.

I'm glad you agreed with me on some points from "An Unexpected Summons." I could see you know more of what goes on in writing than other people could.

I adore your profile pic.

It saddens me as well.

You, sir, make me sad. None of your interesting stories have updated in years.

This saddens me. That is all.

  • Viewing 277 - 286 of 286
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