• Member Since 8th Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen 4 hours ago


It's my pleasure to entertain, and my drive to continue forward. I hope I give you a good time for your share, and maybe I'll give you a laugh or two. We'll see. Keep it cool, Condemned.


New Story Coming. · 1:59am Sep 20th, 2014

I'm working on a new story, and just to let those that actually read my blog know that it might also be my last chapter in my pony writing. But hey, only time shall tell.

My friends, this may be my last chance to say this, but it has been a pleasure keeping your company and occupying your time with my writings. For the possible final time, keep it cool, xXCondemnedSoulXx.

Report xXCondemnedSoulXx · 530 views ·

Story time with xXCondemnedSoulXx.

Comments ( 87 )
  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87

I very hope to be able to check your story as well. Thank you for your kindness.

Finally back on after figuring out my password, hard when you can't get into old email account with that same problem lmao. Shall be back into stories and continue the adventure.

Love your Markipony story, just got the first chapter of mine approved myself. Keep writing!:heart:

  • Viewing 83 - 87 of 87
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