• Member Since 14th May, 2015
  • offline last seen Oct 24th, 2017


I write about ponies and fangirl over way too much. Other than that, I'm totally insane.

The most recent story updates


hey · 11:00pm Feb 29th, 2016

I'm back after all this time.
I don't know when I'll update my stories.
I don't know if I will update my stories.
But you better believe I'll try my best.
Sorry if you're disappointed.
I still need to work a few things out.
But I am trying.
-mlpsuperfan :pinkiesad2:

Stories you still have time to catch up on

Comments ( 31 )
  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31

Well, the Superman sequel to the Batman crossover To Cure Insanity Please Insert Ponies is out. Publishing a new chapter every Monday until it's done.

ETo Cure Insanity Please Insert MORE Ponies
In which Superman discovers the healing properties of ponies.
No One and Nobody · 58k words  ·  24  2 · 694 views

I need more fan fic chapters. Please. :applecry:

2075763 Ok. Let me set a password and I'll pm you.

2075722 Nonsense, you can think of a plot for the chapters, while can do the writing

  • Viewing 27 - 31 of 31
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