• Member Since 12th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 30th, 2018


LOVES his friends ,likes mlp,bayblade,loz,TMNT,pokemon,ect!


help me plz · 5:20pm Oct 30th, 2018

any one knows some little "ponys" I can "play" with? I got a major rager right now.

Report ifuckkids · 289 views · #pedoshit


Comments ( 154 )
  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154

I have 2 questions 4 u!
1 when a new update on ur story
2 are you or the story dead?

thank you for the fav and im watching ya back my man😁

Hey Omega! Thanks for the follow:twilightsmile:!

thank you for the watch and i loved your comments.

  • Viewing 150 - 154 of 154
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ooh its megaman!....why does he look angry??!