• Member Since 28th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen 8 minutes ago

Synthetic Soul

Everything I do is mediocre. Anything good that I do, I do on accident.


Welcome! (There is no Escape)

Well, looks like you found my page. I am so sorry about that. Here is where I post my My Little Pony Fanfictions!.....(...my God, what have I become?)

If you like my stories, I do have a BuyMeACoffee and a Ko-Fi. Any support helps! I don't update as often as I should but when I do update, I do I update De Eques.

If you like my stuff here, maybe you'll like my stuff on other platforms:

I also have a Patreon where I upload all my creative work, except my fan fictions (for now)

Anyway, check out my work

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