• Member Since 27th Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 3 hours ago



my auto rating sitem · 12:40pm Oct 27th, 2013

if you see one heart that = you have a good idear but it seem your going abut it the rong way.
if you see two hearts that = you have good idear and your heading in the right way but your not cach-ing it yet to get people really in to it.
if you see 3 hearts that = you have all most every thing that makes, what you trying to do but your falling short of the mark you seem to going for from what i can see.
if you see 4 hearts that = you made it and like you for it and i relly enjoy it.

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Report damnaion · 980 views ·
Comments ( 148 )
  • Viewing 144 - 148 of 148

Glad you enjoyed Underworld as no one really did but still, thank you for watching and with any luck may you enjoy my other book series.

your welcome and thank you

Thank you for adding An Overlord Apart to your Library! and for also adding An Equestrian Witcher as well!

Thanks for tracking Tales of the Battle Foals!

  • Viewing 144 - 148 of 148
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