The band of unknown authors and such 58 members · 216 stories

This a group for people who want to join. You dont need to have anything special just join if you want.
If you do Enjoy.

Comments ( 21 )
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Hey, is this group still alive?

Ah I see... and holy hell did this group get bigger since I havent been on in a bit...

312147 Since this was posted 46 weeks ago.

Aaaand...I joined. I'm obscure and my fic has been abused by too many downvotes because of it's genre. Maybe I'll get some love here.

Wow.... Been awhile since I got on here. So what did I miss?

hello everybody,
i just added Spike the Knight. It is an action adventure story.
Hope you enjoy it

Hey, I'm the new guy. I have a lot of writing experience, but I'm unknown within the fandom. I have a wealth of knowledge and skills, and I'm eager to share, so if anyone ever needs some friendly feedback, shoot me a PM.



You get what I mean.

No it is nothing you said i merely put the wrong emotion into the comment before



You almost sound as if you're offended, or something. Did I do something wrong? lol
What should I have said?

Oblong is what we have and community is something is that we have on skype or messaging

My desire to find community within this strange, oblong site of writers led me to find this group. I'd like to believe I've found at least a piece of that in this group.

However did you find this small band of misfits and diamonds in the rough?

297163 Ask away. Please do.

Not much you. I have a question for you though, if I may ask it?

And then OG Arctis showed up, and shit got real.:coolphoto:

Nothing much, just gonna make that fight with the wannabee ginyu force between them and Rico and Arctis epic! Also gonna introduce a new character to the story. The Gunslinger!

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