A Writer's First Steps 25 members · 250 stories

I made this group to have a single place to post the stories that have or are starting you on the path of a writer. Anyone can post their stories in the correct folders.

1) If you are going to comment on someone's first, make sure that it is constructive and/or encouraging. No hate. Hate is unnecessary and has no place in this group.
2) Don't post stories in irrelevant folders.
3) All stories put into a folder must have a thred to accompany them. The format and rules of posting a thread could be found here
4) Have fun!

If anyone has any suggestions to how I can make this group better, please let me know. This is my first group after all.

Comments ( 5 )
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and I have helped everypony who has put a story in the forum. :twilightsheepish:
do I get a award?


Sounds great! I'll make the changes now! Thank you!

337092 Great. It feels that it's getting a bit crowded in the thread, though. That's why I suggested 1 thread for 1 story. That way people could link the thread to their user pages (the group might get more members that way also). One advantage of 1 thread per 1 story is also, that you can link stories that aren't released yet. And last, but not least, some readers aren't comfortable posting their comments on the story comments because they aren't sure if someone has already posted what they have to say and they would have to read all the comments before they posted theirs. Also, some authors don't want bad comments on their comments so readers sometimes try to oblige and they don't post anything. With a dedicated thread, an author could potentially get more comments from his/her readers.

This is awesome. I was even thinking of forming a group, similar to this one.

What I also wanted to do in a group, was to create a thread with a link to the story, for each and every story that gets dropped in the folders. That way every story would have a place where people could talk about it, review it, ask questions, give tips, offer help, etc.

What do you think about this idea? :unsuresweetie:

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