• Member Since 29th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen Sep 16th, 2016




Not dead, just indesposed. · 6:14am Aug 25th, 2014


Just wanted to let yall know i'm still alive and havn't given up on writing.

My reasons for my absence are two fold.

Mlpforums (which i'm getting a little sick of btw) and work/money issues, which have engulfed my life.

I can't promise when I'll ever get back to writing, but one day I will.

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Report KelGrym · 508 views ·

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The fuck you doin on mah property, son?

Comments ( 16 )
  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16

Hey there man I'm nioniosbbbb contact me when you can I've missed you.


nothing can be done about it, but It looks mostly the same to me. I can't recall which post it could have been. Sorry, but i got a goldfishes memory.

1109378 I am afraid a bit... We're being heavily moderated on the magick thread. I mean there is a bunch of hidden/deleted posts that i at least have noticed... Including one of yours about our me and rage... What a bunch of balloooni this is...

None at all. But you know, there is always that one guy. That one guy who does take it waaay too seriously, when everyone else can clearly see the joke.
Then they realize they were fooled and point fingers.
Or they'll pretend to do that because they themselves are a troll.:pinkiecrazy:

Why should they? What would be the point?

  • Viewing 12 - 16 of 16
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