• Member Since 16th Jan, 2015
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Venting and Fandom issues · 6:46pm Sep 15th, 2021

Just was thinking about how we still have Nazis in this fandom and how we need to get them out, there is a difference between hate speech and free speech, some don't think so but if that is enough for someone to be ok or side with Nazis then they were already one. We need to clean up this fandom and keep the hateful people out, even people who are willing to do any kind of either art or stories on it even for a commission we need to stop contact with them, I think if it happened once they

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Report bronyparty15 · 223 views · #Political #Fandom #rant
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Thanks for the follow. I'm guessing you heard/saw me on the Barcast. If you get around to reading my stories, I hope you can enjoy them.

That's fantastic! They are exactly what I need! Thank you for sharing these wonderful and rewarding things with me and all of you! Have a good time with your family and wordle unlimited online.

Thanks for adding my Posey story to your faves. The ratings will be put back on later as I don't want people who hate that specific branch of story to be doing a down vote bomb.

Thanks for adding my story to your list.

Thanks for the watch! I hope you enjoy what my brain comes up with.

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