• Member Since 6th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 12th, 2023


Long time purveyor of fanfiction porn


Message to Sunset Flash · 8:33pm Nov 4th, 2016

Hi, Sunset. I'm not ignoring you, but every time I try to reply to your PMs I'm getting a server Error message. Not getting it for anyone else, and it's been going on for a week.

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Comments ( 53 )
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you going to get back on Dusk Shine and the Mysterious Society? Because I love that story.

Comment posted by Sunset Flash deleted Feb 2nd, 2018

2367120 The basic premise is kind of like Fall of Equestria, but with my own style. Adonis, the youngest of Celestia's three children, seeks the throne for himself. So, he makes a deal with Ramsey, a warlord from the kingdom of Hathor. With Ramsey's help, Adonis succeeds in taking the throne from his older brother, only to be betrayed by Ramsey, thus beginning the Hathorian reign over Equestria and the enslavement of Equestria's mares, including Adonis' sister, Siproites. The rest of Adonis' story is, to sum it up, about his search for reformation and retribution. And clop. Lots of clop.

The problem is, I can't think of a way to start the story. The first scene always seems to be where I'm clueless.


Right at the moment I'm having trouble even working on my own stories.

But, if you explained what your trouble is, I might be able to offer suggestions?

Can you help me write a story I'm writing? I'm having a bit of trouble, and it seems like this story may be right up your alley.

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