• Member Since 5th Apr, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 2nd, 2024


"I should stuff your face in cookie dough and make cute cookies!"

About the Author

I was born on Febuary 17, 1998. I am currently looking in to getting into the University of St.Thomas (Minnesota).

I began writing in Feb 2010 in sixth grade, and then when I was in 10th grade I registered Deviantart (Penname: MagnificentSparkz) writing Rocket Knight Fanfictions and just other random stories, after watching MLP:FIM for over 2-3 now I finally decided to write a story about it, my first being Evening with her Princess, a Sonata/Aria story. which received critical acclaim, after some convincing from Mit-Boy, I moved here to Fimfiction, and the results have been incredibly magnificent.

My comedic personality is my most well received trait, and my clop stories also have a bit of a following, between you and me... I think Stare Master, Bats! And Scare Master are my favorite episodes because it features Flutterbat.

I'm the blue one in the far right... (Don't Ask)

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Comments ( 129 )
  • Viewing 125 - 129 of 129

You remember that time you talked to me about writing something about Flutterbat? Probably not, considering it was nearly two years ago.

I've started on a collaboration project with a friend of mine. If you want, you can be a pre-reader and you can see what we've written so far. That's only if you want to, though. :twilightsheepish:

Hey there, thanks for the follow and stuff.

Thank you for watching me! :yay:

It's been a while, how have you been?

HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!! :rainbowlaugh::pinkiehappy::yay::derpytongue2::raritystarry::heart:

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Art Credit


Merry Christmas · 8:10am Dec 25th, 2015

Happy Christmas guys, I wanted to sleep but my d-bag neighbors have their holiday lights on, depriving me of my beauty sleep, so I'm currently eating left over salad and planning on writing.

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