• Member Since 6th May, 2014
  • offline last seen May 27th



new profile pic · 11:20am Dec 8th, 2017

the Artist: AzuralCobaltros

Link: http://www.furaffaffinity.net\full/25651232

really good artist also has deviantart account.

Report Doomhunter · 223 views ·
Comments ( 162 )
  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162

Thanks for adding A Pup Named Fenrir to your favorites!

Hey, thanks for the fave on Dour :twilightsmile:

Edit: And on Prologue, and the watch! :raritystarry:

Edit, the return: And now on Teething Troubles too, stay tuned for chapters two and three over the next 24 hours :raritywink:

Edit #3: I'm glad you consider Reform worthy of a favourite, do remember to check back over the coming two weeks for the remainder!

Ty for the fave:twilightsmile:

Thank you for adding We Are Each Other to your folder, you're awesome! :twilightsmile: What did you like about it?

  • Viewing 158 - 162 of 162
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