• Member Since 4th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen Nov 1st, 2023


Hobby writer and potentially a complete future one aswell!

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Happy 2022! · 2:56am Jan 2nd, 2022

Everyone, happy new years and happy 2022! Let us hope this year is better than the last!

Report Ekhidna · 315 views ·

Commission Info

Commission Info

Hello there, Ekhidna here. I have been writing for several years on Fimfiction, taking minor commissions here and there and working on my own projects. Over the years I have grown and gained experience as a writer, and thus, I wish to utilize my talent to craft more stories. If you have an idea for a story you wish to bring to fruition, but for some reason cannot do it yourself, feel free to contact me through my Email or via Private Messages through Fimfiction or here. I can guarantee the complete anonymity of my commissioners if so they wish to.

Commissions are *On Hiatus.*

The standard price is 12$ per 1k words.

I also do translations of any existing work, baring you own it or have permission to use it, from Spanish-To-English and English-To-Spanish.

The standard price for translations is 12$ per 2K words.

Emails: mlpfimspikefan@gmail.com
Discord: Ekhidna#3131

Feel like supporting me if you like what I do? Feel free to invite me a KOFI!

Note: Will NOT write anything NSFW related, not anything including themes of, but not limited to: incest, watersports, super inflation, wardrobe morphing, scat, necrophilia, and abuse.

Have a nice day/night!

Comments ( 421 )
  • Viewing 417 - 421 of 421

I'm curious.

What was that story about?

What happen to your story called desire Twilight and Spike
It was an all time favorite and one of my very first stories I have ever read on here?

Some absolute mad lads have been downloading about every story on this site and putting them in a massive file.


I was able to reread zecora return and celestia new life in full with no missing chapters. File size is massive since its essentially the entire site offline but if you really want to reread some good old pony porn go ahead.

figured that out :twilightblush:
and agreed, wish he would rewrite some of them, becuase ya they where pretty good stories :twilightsmile:


Dude seems to had a "pony porn? Wtf am i doing with my life moment" and purged all his mature rated stories. Sucks cause even without the sex they were some of the best on the site. You can still find them in fimfetch or the fimarchive.

  • Viewing 417 - 421 of 421
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