• Member Since 19th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago

Dan_s Comments

Story teller at heart. I like to examine the unusual. I spend too much time being 'reasonable'. I write to play, and hope others enjoy the results.


New chapter for Feghoot · 3:14am April 2nd

A new chapter for Feghoot appropriate for the holiday.

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Hhaarrddllyy aA vvIIcctIImm.. Ii eennjjOOyyeEdd aaLLll off tthheeiIRr FUTILE futile aattTTeemmppttsS..

You cant tell me this guy wasn’t an MK ULTRA victim.

Ok, thanks for letting me know, I do hope you get that creative spark again, but there's no need to rush.

I've written the chapter, then had to move three times, and when I get it out, I'm thoroughly dissatisfied. I'm trying fix it, but I'm working on a another story right now.

Will dark lords and ring lords be continued?

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