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My my my, little, how time has past by (Long post about me so go read it and get old while you do) · 3:30am Jun 28th, 2020
This is the year 2020 and it is late in the month of June as I'm sure you can tell by the date stamp. I have been using this website since late August 2012, but that really isn't that big of a deal compared to the core of why I came to it in the first place. It is a website for My Little Pony fanfics, namely the Friendship is magic series although it seems to be the Hub (no pun intended) for fanfics from every generation of Hasbro's My Little Pony TV series.
Top Favourites
An Affliction of the Heart Can a creature that feeds on love ever feel it? 35,358 words · 5,294 · 91
Upheaval: Breaking Point A desperate war, old enemies returning and past mistakes come together to alter Equestria forever. 177,127 words · 2,154 · 49
Thank you very much for the favorite! I really do appreciate it!
Thanks for the fave of Dash and the Deer, easily the most ridiculous story I've ever written. Ever.
Thanks for the fav.
thank you for the favorite
Thanks for the watch and the fave!
Thanks for the favorite!
247350 ohh no prob really loved the story so far.
Thanks for the watch and fave!
Really appreciate it