Human in Equestria 16,982 members · 17,160 stories

Human In Equestria

Welcome to the Human in Equestria group! Feel free to post your own stories in any folder they apply to! Browse a bit, and read some awesome HiE fics!

Threads of Importance

Main Rules Thread

Questions or Concerns Thread

Recommended Groups:

Unusual Humans in Equestria: If you want something a little different.

The Good HiE List: Dedicated to finding higher quality HIEs.

The Metafic Alliance: Non-Illegal Metafiction

Female in Equestria: Female encounters.

Countries in Equestria: Entire nations encounter Equestria.

Developing Nations Encounter Equestria: Developing nations encounter Equestria.

When Villains Invade: For stories in which human villains are in Equestria.

Beings with Super Powers: For all your OP needs!

Death, and the Colts in Black: Focused around death and the afterlife.

Displaced: A Multiversal Exploration of Characters removed from their home worlds and sent to new ones.

Comments ( 1473 )
  • Viewing 1,454 - 1,473 of 1,473

I dagens fartsfylte verden søker mange måter å forenkle livets nødvendigheter på. Kontakt oss nå for å <a href="">Kjøpe førerkort</a>. Trenger du en rask og effektiv løsning, vurder muligheten til å kjøpe førerkort på nett. Denne metoden tilbyr uovertruffen bekvemmelighet. Når du kjøper førerkort sparer du verdifull tid og slipper byråkratisk byråkrati. Dessuten sikrer et lovlig førerkortkjøp at du er i samsvar med regelverket, noe som gir trygghet. For de som har det travelt, ta førerkort raskt er det optimale valget. Bare bestill førerkort og opplev hvor enkelt det er å ha førerkort til salgs for hånden. Omfavn denne moderne løsningen i dag.

I'll be honest, I wish there were more stories focused on wanting to return to Earth and not wanting to succumb to the "good life" that Equestria provides.

Sort of like a protagonist with a fantastic life on Earth, who suddenly loses everything when he is sent to Equestria and desperately wants to return to Earth because he doesn't want to start from scratch in a new life.

I do not know if you understand me.

Alguém sabe algo sobre changelings return? Estou tentando descobrir o mistério por trás dessa fanfic, motivo do hate, conteúdo, dúvidas em geral etc.

Comment posted by Denstetsu deleted June 8th

Hey! I would appreciate it if I could get some professional feedback on my masterpiece!

TAll Day, Everyday.
Follow the journey of a little girl who takes her football to the next level!
Penanka72 · 143k words  ·  121  19 · 1.1k views

Thank you for reading friends!

Comment posted by TheCrimsonSoldier deleted March 3rd

Hey, I just came up with this epic idea: what if Conversion Bureau Equestria invaded the Helldivers universe?


How do u make a new story on mobile?

Someone plz help me 🥲

The latest thread in this group is a scam. It doesn't belong in this group at all. Please delete the thread that belongs to gangnamsaigon.

Comment posted by Sad Clown deleted Nov 9th, 2023

Hi i'm looking 4 a story i read when i first discovered this site i started to read but stopped it's about a teen who is home alone and when he answers the door he is stabbed and dies but a spirit in the form of a alicorn takes him to eqestria but not before he takes his belongings with him can anyone help me find it for me ty

Help me find a story about a man who created Equestria (not Faust) from scratch, events happen before the main events of mlp, the story is not over, you can advise similar ones I will be grateful to everyone have a good day!

Are there any stories in which the main character ascends to the position of ruling a nation, like becoming the king or queen of a realm, as an example, the protagonist becoming the ruler of the Crystal Empire?

Ok so I remember reading a fimfiction story awhile ago problem is I can't remember it. All I remember is that a man goes to Equestria and I think he gets with rainbow dash. I also remember him getting cutie marks, more than 1 I think. 1 if I recall correctly is him touching a car and getting a cutie mark related to that.

Dang it this folders latest update got me thinking ALL GLORY TO THE OVERGOAT!!! was updating again.

Just throwing this comment out here for the heck of it, not really sure if it's going to get noticed or not.

I don't see enough "brony in Equestria" fanfictions, specifically where the brony (or pegasister if you will) DOESN'T get transformed into a pony or something other. I myself am planning to write a brony in Equestria fanfic and would like to know if there are any stories out there that might help my cause. Any help is much appreciated, thanks in advance.

Am I the only one who can't seem to access the mature rated stories?
even tho i switch the tab to allow it removes it immediately after refreshing page....

how do I fix this??

Is anyone else having problems with fimfiction not reading things to them today it will read one paragraph then stop or it wont read at all

  • Viewing 1,454 - 1,473 of 1,473