• Member Since 16th Apr, 2018
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Stephen brown


My opinion on the mlp universe · 12:08am February 29th

This is how i feel about the years in mlp it all starts with
g1 g2 and g3 G1 mlp takes place from10,000 bnm -5,000 bnm before g4
G2 take place from 5,000 bnm -1,000 bnm before g4
G3 takes place from 1,000 bnm 945 amn before g4
Unification era
1999 bnm-98 bnm
The Pegasi tribe unicorn and earth pony tribe unite to become equestria in the year 98 bmn
The discord era takes place from 45 bnm to 10 bnm

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Thank you for the fave!

thanks for the Fav

Thanks for the fave, God bless!

thanks for the fav :twilightsmile:

Thabks for the fave

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