• Member Since 7th Oct, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 7th, 2022


I write romance with intimacies, not clop. To my readers, I quote The Bard: “We who prologue-like your humble patience pray, Gently to hear, kindly to judge, our play.” (Henry V)

Blog Posts

  • 124 weeks
    Proofreading and Avoiding Over Picky Reviews

    Hey, True Believers!
    If you're like me, you can read your work 1,000 times and think you got all the kinks (not sexual) out. You post it and then someone replies with a litany of your mistakes.

    A lot of time they think that you should write in the "King's English", not taking into consideration that you may be expressing a dialect or colloquialism. Or worse (gasp), you meant it to sound that way. Lighten up, this is neither an English Term Paper or great literature.

    Read More

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Comments ( 97 )
  • Viewing 78 - 97 of 97

Thanks for the fave.!

You remind me of the babe.

Thank you as well.

Thanks for the follow! You're awesome!

you are welcome:pinkiehappy::pinkiesmile:
again and again:rainbowlaugh:

Not sure, but you're welcome.

Did I say thanks for the watch?! (Muffin can't remember)

you are welcome :pinkiesmile:
again :pinkiehappy:

Always open to new friends.

Booooooowie. I miss you.
A Bowie fan, and a history/literature lover? Let's be friends Stormy!

I'm following because I want to follow until I can get to read someone else stories. I have a ton to finish.

Thanks for the watch :yay:
What story did thou like most, if 't be true I may ask?

Take your time, please. I am more than happy to wait.

Just a quick note to let you know that I haven't forgotten about this. I've downloaded your stories in the .epub format and will productively use my time away from those distracting internet hotspots to read them (laptop battery willing).:raritywink:

Thanks for the watch and the faves.

2280154 Labyrinth
David Bowie as the Jareth the Goblin King

Who is that in your avatar? Looks like someone from a band similar to Judas Priest.

Huh, the goblin king. Nice choice.

  • Viewing 78 - 97 of 97
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