• Member Since 21st Jul, 2013
  • offline last seen 7 hours ago



11 Years · 1:25pm Last Sunday

Well everypony another year for me on FimFiction has passed and it seems like time flies. It has now been 11 years since I joined the site and things have changed a lot since then, some ways for the better and some ways in the worse. The worse, I lost family since then. The better, I have written a lot of stories and have grown as a person. Another huge difference, I have pony tattoos now. Those can be seen in prior blog posts and I plan on getting more next month a week or so before

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Report StormLuna · 78 views ·

Five Adorable Fillies

For the true fan, there is room in our hearts for both G4 and G5

Groups I Have Created

If you like groups where you can share your work, both in the story folders and forums, then I'm thinking this group might be right up your alley. Being able to share them in both gives your story more exposure and the more exposure the better, right?

If you like stories that are centered around fillies and colts that are clean and/or if you have E rated stories centered around the young ones you'd like to share, this one is for you!

Sick of the good guys always winning? Do you have stories where the bad guy wins that you'd like to promote? If so, then this one is for you!

Do you like centered around lesbians and are free of mares liking stallions? Do you have those kinds of stories that you'd like to share? If so, this group will be perfect for you.

[Adult group embed hidden]

If stories that take place in an alternate universe where Starlight is the Element of Magic and the Canterlot 5 are her friends and the other Elements, then this group is for you. All stories in the Glimmerverse are rated E.

If you like stories that center around pony warfare, then this group is for you.

[Adult group embed hidden]

If you like the darkest of the dark, stories with high amounts of torture, blood and death, then this group is for you. Whether you simply like to read those kinds of stories or if you have ones you'd like to share, come join us!

[Adult group embed hidden]

Family Friendly

Cute Foal Stories

Comments ( 995 )
  • Viewing 991 - 995 of 995

I think if you wanna get political you should, it is your blog I don’t think people should tell you what to do and I think you should be able to post whatever you like, just be prepared for the mental headache that is to come. I have seen some of your political post and u think we may have similar views. If they don’t like your post than they can go somewhere else. As long as it follows site rules and you aren’t hurting anyone, I see no harm in it.


Very well. I do want to know something though. You say I am entitled to my own opinion too. Is this a matter of you simply not liking seeing politics on here OR is it a matter of me not holding the same political views as you?

Please don't get political with your profile bio. This site is one of the few places I go to get away from that stuff, please don't ruin it for me. I won't say it again and I won't cause trouble if do ignore me, but just know that I'll stop following you if you do. But you are entitled to your own opinion too


I will send it to you in a direct message.

do you have a link to it???

  • Viewing 991 - 995 of 995
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