• Member Since 16th May, 2013
  • offline last seen June 26th



Looking for new reads · 5:17pm Nov 27th, 2014

Hey Guys (and gals!) i'm looking for new fics to read on my kindle if ya know any good ones please send me a link or shove it in the coments!
thank you!!!

Report 10_watt · 370 views ·
Comments ( 236 )
  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236

Thank you for favoriting and enjoying Fall of Equestria; Hope in Bleak Times. :twilightsheepish: I hope you enjoy my other stories as well

Thank you for adding "Wildfire 2: Releasing the Flame" & "Enter the Night" to your clopfics folder.

What did you like about them?

Thanks for adding my story to your folder

Thanks for the favorite on child of darkness!:twilightsmile:

Thanks for filing my story; Reined in by a Sparkling Twilight
in your Clopfics
Hope you enjoy follow the adventure all the way down to the very end.

If I may be so boldas to ask; what opened your eye to the story, and what you think of it?

  • Viewing 232 - 236 of 236
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