Fantastic side fics to Five Score that others have written!
The Last CrusadeFour childhood friends discover that their friendship goes back a lot farther than they thought. 5s/4 side CyborgSamurai
130,889 words
· 1,197 · 33
Return of the DawnA substitute teacher with what she's always been told is a mental condition begins to suspect that's not the entire truth when a familiar sun shaped cutie mark appears on her pchn00
132,770 words
· 331 · 22
Earning Wings of a Different NatureThe crew of an RAN Destroyer begin to notice that one of their pilots is developing some odd quirks, to say the least. Wings, hooves and a cutie mark, just to name a Strayan Phoenix
76,011 words
· 735 · 30
Changing Strings and Other ThingsI'm not having the best day. The mark on my hip was just one more problem, but now... I think I'm turning into a pony. And I don't know what to Sharp Spark
34,294 words
· 397 · 15
Lunar PhasesFive Score Divided by Four? Where have I heard that before? Psh, sounds like some cheesy title to a fanfic. What is this itching?! Wait, since when have I had Luna's cutie mark on my thigh?by Dusk Writer
63,869 words
· 553 · 29
Five Score, Divided by FourAs a fan of the show, I always loved Rainbow Dash and her cutie mark, but I never wanted it to appear on my leg! Now that it has, all sorts of things are getting weird around here. I'm a guy, not a mare! Cartoon ponies aren't real... right?by TwistedSpectrum
277,593 words
· 4,143 · 212
i wound up back here on fimfiction after 9 years (god its been along time...) since i made my account, which i vividly remember was entirely for four scores. to this day i think its the only fan fiction i've ever read to completion, and now i've done it twice. some parts of it didnt age so well (the overal tone towards gender) (not a complaint i understand, different time different wisdom).
but the overall narrative just really hits well. the sonic rainboom over whatever that city's name was to signal to everyone? honestly inspired i was in awe. the drama the stakes the romance the everything just really pays off in this.
thanks for giving me some light in my dark days of desperately wanting an escape from my world
Got any ideas for new stories?
i wound up back here on fimfiction after 9 years (god its been along time...) since i made my account, which i vividly remember was entirely for four scores. to this day i think its the only fan fiction i've ever read to completion, and now i've done it twice. some parts of it didnt age so well (the overal tone towards gender) (not a complaint i understand, different time different wisdom).
but the overall narrative just really hits well. the sonic rainboom over whatever that city's name was to signal to everyone? honestly inspired i was in awe.
the drama the stakes the romance the everything just really pays off in this.
thanks for giving me some light in my dark days of desperately wanting an escape from my world
I am happy to see authors still horsing around
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