• Member Since 5th Dec, 2011
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Oooga Boooga!

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General Information:

First off I have a Patreon! Please donate if you can, but you are under no obligation to. This is only because I really need to see if I can get anything set up to maybe go part-time at my job and maybe use the extra time to get more writing done.


Second: I'm sorry but because I had to launch this, I can NOT do free requests. Please don't ask, I just don't have the time.


Should Liar Liar Breast Amplifier be part of the Cake Mix Universe? · 5:02pm Yesterday


I'm running a poll on what you the readers think. It was brought up in a comment, and well honestly I see no reason it couldn't be. I could then have Red Gala and the like show up over there. Maybe have Honey Belle walking around. What do you think?

Comments ( 42 )
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So just a heads up to anyone that comes around. I'm afraid I've decided that I'll have to deny requests. It's become very apparent that a request is just something I have no time to do.

Well I had a joint one with my roommate we called "Otaku Ascended" but basically when pony ended, so did the channel. I have my own private one, but I don't really upload to it often.

Eh go ahead and private message me it. I can't promise anything, but maybe it's something I'd be interested in doing.

Nah, it was going to be something different.

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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