• Member Since 21st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Son of Princess Luna. A Bat Pony Alicorn who's small for his age.


Gonna be streaming Sam and Max on Twitch · 8:08pm Sep 13th, 2022

so, as the title says, I'm gonna be streaming Sam and Max Save the World Episode 5 on Twitch after I get a bite to eat, but while I do that, check out my twitch stream account. When the stream does start, refrain from asking anything in relation to my fanfictions here please. I will pick back up on them. Just need to deal with some real life issues at the moment.

Here's the link to my Twitch account: https://www.twitch.tv/night___mist

Hope to see you there.

Report Night--Mist · 162 views ·

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Comments ( 178 )
  • Viewing 174 - 178 of 178

Is the next chapter of Mother of the Night almost done?

Good. I’m anxious to see what happens next

Yes. Just been extremely busy. Don't worry, I haven't forgotten it.

Will you be continuing Mother of the Night?

  • Viewing 174 - 178 of 178
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