• Member Since 12th Jun, 2013
  • offline last seen Aug 4th, 2015


Canadian. Enjoys writing... and loaths it at the same time. Enjoys reading, animals, games, nighttime, family, nature, and turning little cousins into personal minions. Is a procrastinator.

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Allow me to tell you a story... · 12:56am Mar 28th, 2014

Once upon a time, Hermit was young and foolish and decided to go and enter university before Hermit's college diploma was even dry.

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Report HermitKlam · 883 views ·
Comments ( 13 )
  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13

It seems he'll not come back, as much as it saddens me... :(

sorry for bugging you but I was wondering when will you update any of your 5 story's I really like all 5 of them and hope to read more soon

Literally 80% of your stories are on my top favorites of all time list.

Where are you?

Whelp.... looks like we can add another to the long list of dead authors.

Hope ya come back some time dude...I really enjoyed your stories.

  • Viewing 9 - 13 of 13
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