• Member Since 20th May, 2014
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Hi I have a reading and writing disability I'm not dyslexic I some times use Dragon natural speaking to help with my writing, but I'll still have trouble with some things I hope we all can get along

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Did Disney bring up there own Discord · 5:30am Mar 5th, 2023

Okay, so I haven't yet watched Moon girl and devil dinosaur yet. But I have seen clips and one of the characters in the show reminds me of another character.

So is it me or does the Beyonder remind anyone of Discord and his interaction with moon girl similar to how Discord interacts with Twilight?

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Comments ( 265 )
  • Viewing 261 - 265 of 265
Comment posted by sakuralovelight deleted Jun 12th, 2022

Thanks for adding 'Luna Mother of Twilight Sparkle' to your bookshelves

  • Viewing 261 - 265 of 265
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