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The Thousand Year Change After seeing what happened when she accidently changed her friends destinies, Twilight is curious about about the 'what if'. Like, for example, what if Luna had ponies a thousand years ago who noticed her. by Darthvalgaav 372,649 words · 1,527 · 125
Head Full of Cotton Candy The many misadventures of Discord and Screwball. by TheManWithTwoNames 137,482 words · 394 · 12
Over the Edge and Through the Wood Human gets cut off from his group while traversing a mountain. Finds himself in a strange land. by JarOfHearts 109,490 words · 4,235 · 90
To Her Surprise All you need to get ahead in life is the right pony. by Askesalsa 47,231 words · 78 · 0
These stories go into my top 5 for just being different and that no matter what I will always remember them.
To Her Surprise - as a origin story for Pinkie Pie, (one of the best that made me cry in the end)
Head Full of Cotton Candy - as a origin story for Discord and his assistant Screwball (which yet again made me cry in the end)
Duties - there may be things I don't like about it but for all the things that I don't like it makes up in the story twice fold by making me fall in love with the characters all over again.
Over the Edge and Through the Wood - This story knows what I like within a human in Equestria story.
The Thousand Year Change - this one knows how to make me laugh and gives me a since of wonder (still don't know why though, but knows it just does something to which is why I like it)
Hey there! Thanks for the Fave on Time Enough For Three. I really appreciate it.
Anything specific you enjoyed about the first chapter that I should keep doing?
Hey, thanks for the favorite on Starcrash!
Hey, thanks for adding my story to your favorites! Hope you enjoy the ride
Praise on, Sunbro \ [T]'/
2148983 Hello?
2147481 Thanks good