• Member Since 28th Dec, 2018
  • offline last seen April 20th


A Plague Rat

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Blog Posts

  • 134 weeks
    Still alive

    I’m sorry if I’ve worried anyone by just disappearing after my previous blog post. I’m okay, but I’ve been emotionally down due to the current state of things. This has left me with little interest in writing and, I’m sorry to say, I’m not sure if I will return to finish the story I started.

    However I will try to dig up the chapters to the sequel and upload them for anyone who still has an interest in the story I began.

    16 comments · 1,178 views
  • 191 weeks

    Well, I got Covid. It sucks... wear a mask, wash your hands. Keep away from people without masks...

    16 comments · 1,092 views
  • 221 weeks

    Some people have been asking me when I will do a sequel for To be a Changeling. The good news is I have over 20 chapters finished but right now being able to continue it is up in the air. I work for a hospital and for the past few months things have been insanely busy not to mention stressful. Add to that a shortage of help in my particular department along with a pandemic and you get some very energy draining days. I just tend to crash the moment I get home and I haven’t had the motivation to

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    16 comments · 1,239 views
  • 265 weeks
    To be a changeling

    There are only 2 more chapters left for To be a Changeling. Its not the end of the story. I'll be taking a break and then I'll be back with the next cycle of the story. TY to everyone who's enjoyed reading this for over the past 6 months.

    20 comments · 829 views
  • 280 weeks
    Royal Guards

    I spent all the time today, that I normally set aside for myself to write, trying to come up with 24 names for royal guards. Below is what I ended up with. See if you can guess what kind of pony they are and their gender.

    Platinum Silverspark

    Heater Shield
    Slipstream Cyclone

    Azure Nightshade

    Private First Class
    Daybreak Dustoff (Medic)
    Chase Tradewind
    Golden Dewdrop
    Lavender Larkspur
    Moonlight Daydream

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    8 comments · 592 views

Still alive · 11:43am Dec 27th, 2021

I’m sorry if I’ve worried anyone by just disappearing after my previous blog post. I’m okay, but I’ve been emotionally down due to the current state of things. This has left me with little interest in writing and, I’m sorry to say, I’m not sure if I will return to finish the story I started.

However I will try to dig up the chapters to the sequel and upload them for anyone who still has an interest in the story I began.

Report PlagueRat · 1,178 views · Story: To Be a Changeling ·
Comments ( 42 )
  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42

Thanks for releasing those chapters! Lots of cute stuff in here!

Phai #41 · Jan 10th, 2023 · · 2 ·

Any plans to release those last chapters? Your blog mentioned releasing them.

I have officaly ask for one of the Moderators to check when PlagueRat was logged in last. Let's hope PlagueRat is well.

Would be a tragic fate to have this masterpiece be lost alongside it's amazing Author :fluttershysad:

PlagueRat you'r still breathing? We are seriously worryied Corona got to you...

By the way... Would you mind if i make a Mature version of you'r story? ' To Be a Changeling '

  • Viewing 38 - 42 of 42
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