• Member Since 15th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen March 24th

The Lurker

Just an Autistic, Brony, Gamer who loves fanfiction, and wishes he could write his own.


Opinions Needed! · 5:22am Sep 29th, 2020

I'm considering converting my story The Burning light to anthro, as I think I might be able to tell the story better that way. But what do you guys think? Should I do it?

Report The Lurker · 199 views · Story: The Burning Light ·
Comments ( 114 )
  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114

You're very welcome friend.

Thanks for the follow!

You're welcome, I very much enjoyed it. I definitely wouldn't mind a similar story from you.

Thanks for the favorite on Indecent In Tent.

  • Viewing 110 - 114 of 114
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Opinions Needed! · 5:22am Sep 29th, 2020

I'm considering converting my story The Burning light to anthro, as I think I might be able to tell the story better that way. But what do you guys think? Should I do it?

Report The Lurker · 199 views · Story: The Burning Light ·