• Member Since 7th Apr, 2013
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I've got ponies on the brain.


Summer Update · 9:36pm July 19th

Well I've had a productive year so far. Yes, two stories totaling 2k words counts as productive for my standards. We all have to take what we can get. The important thing is that I have enjoyed what I have written, particularly the poetry. I had never thought much about writing poetry before so that project felt like it opened a door. I want to write more poetry. I have ideas for more pony poetry. I don't have any idea of how long that will take. First drafts of some of the poems in I'd Like To

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hOi! Just wanted to say thanks for adding Memories Returned to your bookshelf. I was worried that story would get no reach since it requires you to have advanced knowledge of a story by another author. Good to know people actually dig it.

Here, have an awesome!

Thank you for your interest in My Dearest Twilight!

And thank you for writing about Twilight and Rainbow taking care of each other :twilightsmile:

Howdy howdy, and thank you for adding Neither to your bookshelves!

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