• Member Since 16th Jan, 2013
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Chapter 10 is finished, only need pre-reading. · 1:15am May 25th, 2015

I finally done it! I've finished writing chapter 10! Now, I only need my editor to pre-read and not drink too much due to... the way I write.:twilightblush: So, expect it sometime this week I guess.

Report Sarikano · 446 views · Story: Total Eclipse of the Sun ·

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Comments ( 55 )
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Hey Sarikano! Thanks for (presumably) reading Everything is Fine and liking it enough to put it in your One Shot library!
I don't suppose you ever got the little PM about Five Score from me, did you?

just noticed your cancelign of Total Eclipse of the Sun, that's a bummer

Hey thank you so much for taking time to read Ranger, and finding something about it worthy of one of your bookshelves. :twilightsmile:

Thanks for adding Assassination Club to your folders!

Achievement unlocked!


You earned the...



...would a group of fans of Changeling fics be called a swarm?

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