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Boosting For a Friend · 11:55pm Aug 24th, 2023

Despite my writing, I'm not too good with my words when it comes to talking about real problems, except when it flows naturally. As such, since nothing seems to be coming now, I'm just going to post a relative link.


Please take a look, and at the links in that post. Thank you.

Report Tatsurou · 482 views ·

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The PWNY Keys

The prerequisites - both keys and achievements - required to unlock "My Little PWNY" that have been unlocked so far.

Tirek's Skull
SSStylish Kill!
The Rise of Batmane
Hulk Spank!
Bhaalspawn's Complaint


Here I will list pony characters and worlds that have previously been rejected for PWNY fics, and the reasons why.
(Art by ProfessorCatPro.
DA here.
Tumblr here)

First, I'll list the qualifiers for pony characters and worlds that have to be met.

1. Has a strong connection to a main cast member.
2. Lives in Ponyville.
3. Has had characterized appearances (at least a speaking role) in multiple episodes (or movies)
4. I like them
5. I haven't used them before.
Must meet 4 and 5. Must meet at least one of the other three, 2 preferred.

1. I am aware of the world in question previously, or would require minimum research to become familiar.
2. Has a character that can readily be characterized to be the parent unit with a predefined characterization.
3. Must either have a completely undefined timeline, or a defined timeline covering at least a decade.
4. Must be a world I enjoy.
5. Can't be a world I've used before.
Must meet all requirements (though there are some exceptions to 5).

For convenience as far as those still offering suggestions, here is the TvTropes page with a list of all PWNYverse stories.

Lyra and Bon Bon - fails 3 and 4
The Dazzlings - Only Sonata passes 4, and they all fail the other three, having only appeared in one movie.
Blueblood - fails all requirements
Daring Do - fails 2 and 4
Flim and Flam - fails 2 and 4
The Flower Trio - fails 3 (shouting "The Horror" over and over again does not a fleshed out character make)
Lightning Dust - fails all points (being a one-time rival/foil to Rainbow does not qualify as a strong connection)
Thorax - Special Case. He technically meets all but number 2, but his major characterization shows drastic shifts in both his role and character between his first appearance (Spike befriends him) and second (the two parter where he becomes King of the Changelings). This doesn't provide enough characterization pre-change to do a story with him that way, and there isn't enough material in the show post-change to work with as far as the 'Return to Equestria' arc of the story. As such, I can't use him. ...same goes for Pharynx, actually.
Zecora - Special Case. There's no way I could keep up her rhymes through an entire story, and cutting the rhymes would make it not Zecora.

(more to be added as I come across them)

Halo, CoD, or any other first or third person "war simulator" - I do not play these types of games
One Piece - fails 1, as it is far too long for me to familiarize myself with it easily
Bleach - same as One Piece, and also fails on 3
Overwatch - fails on 1 and 3
Warframe - fails on 1 and 4
Dues Ex - fails on 3
Borderlands - fails on 1 and 4
Fallout - fails on 1 and 4
Five Nights At Freddy - fails on all points
Any primarily Horror genre game or show - fails on 4. I am severely unfond of horror. If I find an exception, I'll make a point of it.
Gears of War - fails on 1 and 4
Lara Croft - fails on 3
Berzerk - fails 1, 4, and I don't know if it fails the others
Lord of the Rings - fails 1 and 4
Kingdom Hearts - either fails 1 or 3, depending on how many of the games you're talking about
Half Life - fails 1 and 4 at least
Anything primarily Zombie related - fails 4. I hate zombies.
Full Metal Alchemist - fails 1 and 4
Power Rangers - fails 1 and 3, and the parts that don't fail 3 fails 1 and 4 (the only part I've seen is Rita through 'Secret of the Ooze', and the only part of that I truly enjoyed was Lord Zedd)
Naruto - fails 1 and 4
Okami - fails 3
Harry Potter - while it doesn't actually fail any qualifiers...it's just not a world I want to write this sort of story for.

(more to be added as I come across them)

Comments ( 3382 )
  • Viewing 3,378 - 3,382 of 3,382

Hey, Tat. I’d be really surprised if you recognized this account, but I’ve been a fan and following you for a long time now- recently, I went on a trip down memory lane, and that’s taken me to a lot of your comments and fics, as they were some of the things responsible for me making an account on this site. I think making a comment on Fortresshy was one of the first things this account ever did!

I digress.

I haven’t kept up with you as an author as of late, in part because you haven’t posted chapters here since, like, 2021 from the looks of things- but, I just felt like reaching out. Saying that your content is something I have a lot of nostalgia for, and despite it being a good decade later, I’m still reading, and am looking forward to seeing whatever becomes of the PWNYVerse. I don’t know if you still plan on finishing it, the monumental task that must feel like it’d be- but I’ll read it, to be sure.

Just… felt a compulsion, almost, to leave this here. If nothing else, I hope you know you had a positive impact on me and other people. Here’s to whatever else you decide lies in store.

When are you continuing your stories?

Sorry Tatsurou, I'm unfollowing you

Do you think Uncle Chan ever helped Detective Colombo with a case?
They’re the only two old men I know who always have “one more thing” to say.

If you’re going to end the story, bring in the Colombo who rescued Kris from his controller, solved the Kira case after L died, and used his stand to defeat the Morioh serial killer.

Hey Tatsurou. Love your work

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