• Member Since 19th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Last Tuesday


Aspiring writer, self-proclaimed hardcore gamer, adept of human psychology. Does not consider excessive pride for a vice.

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097 Status update: All good things... · 10:46am Jan 11th, 2020

097 Status update: All good things...

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Report Prane · 1,340 views · #prane
Comments ( 15 )
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It's ok I do understand and don't worry it wont lessen my reading I wish you luck on your adventures and to stay safe Ty for letting me know prane I very much appreciate it

Hello there! I’m doing well, hope the same is true for you. I am currently not writing nor planning to write another story as I’m pursuing other personal projects outside writing and MLP. I hope the lack of new content won’t lessen your joy of reading what’s there. :)

Hey prane how are you hope your ok and doing well I wanted to know do you have any plans for another story of chestnut I really love those stories and I want to see more of here and her adventures

Happy new year. May 2020 be a memory filled one.

Aww, that’s so cute! <3 You’re very welcome, I’m happy to hear you’re enjoying my stories. Merry Christmas to you too! :)

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