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  • offline last seen Apr 4th, 2019


Like a moth flittering towards a flame.

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Comments ( 75 )
  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75

1829701 YAY *bone crush hug* :rainbowkiss:

1822611 Of course! I always like hugs.

can i crush your bones with a hug?

1803709 You can have all the hugs. :heart:

Can i have a hug?

  • Viewing 71 - 75 of 75
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Edits and Lakeside Chats! · 3:08pm May 2nd, 2015

Source Unkown

Hey everybody!

So, as many of you know I recently returned from a long-ass hiatus (Or whatever that was) and posted a short TwiDash story, For thoise who didn't know, now you do. :raritywink:

This is just a quick post to inform people that I've made some edits to Lakeside Chats now that I've gotten some more feedback. Yay!

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Report Valen · 573 views · Story: Lakeside Chats ·