• Member Since 20th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Jun 18th, 2021


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Comments ( 24 )
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Thank you for the favorite; I'm glad you enjoy my story!

Thanks for the favourite on Living The Hive Life! If you haven't already, I encourage you to like and comment. :raritywink:


you are just the cutest thing

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B.A.P Rules

1) if CB isn't around when something goes wrong, then it was Xeno's fault. No exceptions.
2) # 8 is false.
3) Celestia didnt give us middle fingers for dealing with people and ponies we dont like. she DID, however, give us hind legs.
4) Luna is best princess. No exceptions.
5) if you see a brony being picked on, let your voice be heard.
6) we accept all forms of art. No exceptions.
7) did i mention it was Xeno's fault?
8) #9 is false.
9) #2 is true.
10) love the night. Luna deserves it. NO EXCEPTIONS!


apologies · 4:55pm Oct 22nd, 2013

Ok, basically I'm making this post as a way to apologize to those who have Favorited any of my stories or have started following me in hopes that I will post some interesting content later. I am sorry. I haven't been capable of typing or getting on the site often enough to post or even read. But that hasn't stopped me from coming up with ideas! For my mind is always at work; the development of my characters, both OC and Head-Cannon, being constantly molded and sharpened by my "free time". I aim

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