And the winner is... · 3:31am Jan 21st, 2013
With 16 votes Cheerilee is next for my story. I got the start of it in the works as we speak and it maybe done tonight or tomorrow pending migraines and 9 other stories I'm currently beating with a shovel. 12 if you are counting collabs.
Simply by asking.
How would one gain access to the discord of the great TittySparkles?
From one of his other accounts that also got banned, hence why he wants to move Stealing Harmony to my profile.
Shit man, if you speak the truth. Then I will follow you. Also, tell RTE that his works where the reason why I stared reading FIM Fic and that his shit is still the best.
Ps. The last thing that I remember from Stealing Harmoney was that Aj was cripple and was getting punished my the MC.
Ps.2 In your works, wich ones are related to RTE?
Don't be so sure it's over. As someone who has him modding in my Discord, recently he has been showing heavy interest in finishing his story after all these years. With his permission, I moved one of his old stories to my account some time ago and a few days ago he asked me to move Stealing Harmony to my profile. I'm going to attempt to ask a mod for the transfer so RT can resume the story using me as the person to update it.