• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen July 18th


Comments ( 36 )
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Hello you are cordially invited to join Soaking Wet's School of Magic http://www.fimfiction.net/group/208424/soaking-wet-memorial-school-of-magic

Thanks for the watch and the favorite on Dusk Shine's Saga! :twilightsmile:


I sure hope so… I've gotten lucky, but, who's to say I can't run with it, eh?

FYI: A new chapter of Colts should be out either tomorrow or the next.


Sound like a good plan to me :scootangel:
It has worked so far.


Thanks for watching me! I really appreciate it!

I'll try and keep on doing whatever it is that I do that you like as long as you keep on reading/liking/enjoying my stuff?

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