• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday

Leo Archon

I'm an amateur fanfiction writer with a love of many fandoms.Expect most of my works to be crossovers.


Black Science

This isn't MLP-related, but I do have works on sites other than FimFiction. This one, my latest, is posted on both FF.net and AO3. I'll be linking both versions here, in case you have a preference.

The fic in question is called Black Science, hence the title of this box. It's a crossover between Valve's hit game Portal 2 and Monty Oum's legacy work RWBY. Blake Belladona takes Chell's place going through Aperture Science, and learning the history of the facility and its caretaker.

Fanfiction.net version: Here
AO3 version: Here

Current status: Chapter 5 at 1355 words. Chapter 4 posted on both sites.


Black Science · 10:19pm Jul 19th, 2018

Anyone who's interested in a non-MLP work written by me, I have a new module on my userpage that links to a new fic I'm working on. I'd like to get some foot traffic on it at both FF.net and AO3. So go ahead and check it out!

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Comments ( 67 )
  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67

Also thanks for the favourite on Cards Against the Princesses!

Thanks for the favourite on Cards Against Starlight!

Your watch, good scrivener!

How's chapters for infernals coming?

When are you going to continue the "Ponypuff girls" story, it has great potential?

  • Viewing 63 - 67 of 67
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