• Member Since 27th Sep, 2012
  • offline last seen Apr 26th, 2020

Soaking Wet

I am a part-time writer who has been consumed both by the magic of ponies and the enchanting mystery of their sexuality.


To my dear students, · 8:27pm Apr 26th, 2020

I hope this message finds you well.

When I came here to FimFiction in late 2012, I was having a difficult time in my life. I was out of work, and was losing confidence in my abilities. Most of all, I’d lost confidence in my ability to write, which shocked me since I’d enjoyed creative writing for as long as I could remember. I’d felt so sure of things for so long, but in that moment, I was lost.

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Sometimes, I wonder if you're still here.

Comment posted by Logan Victor deleted Mar 5th, 2015
  • Viewing 209 - 213 of 213
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