• Member Since 12th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen Last Thursday


Gamer, Anime Fanatic, Casual Fan of Horses and Men. Viewer of various shenanigans. Writer of things that really should come easier to him.

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With Regards to "Hand in Hoof", and Where It Would Have Gone · 3:32am May 7th, 2023

 I must confess, I had been contemplating whether or not I should write this for the longest time. For years, this very idea had haunted me. That I would forever live enshadowed by one of the longest works I'd never given its proper completion. That the work that had once been my passion project has since fallen to the darkest reaches of my sub-conscience. That this one unfinished work would itch in the creases of my brain like a bedbug bite I failed to notice until I was overrun by them. That

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Report AdamThePony · 188 views · Story: Hand in Hoof ·
Comments ( 134 )
  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134

Oh no, has he been subjecting people to this atrocity?

I'm friends with the guy whom you consulted with to verify your birb facts.

I'm sorry you subjected yourself to my story about tits. I hope you feel better soon.

Aww! Thanks for favouriting The Alicorn Problem! I appreciate the support! :yay:

Thanks for reading and enjoying "Every Five Hundred Years." I really appreciate it! :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 130 - 134 of 134
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