A group dedicated to the appreciation of footnotes[1], in all their glory.
Footnotes are not just for citations[3] — they can lend Pratchettian humor or a Danielewskiish air of drama[4] to a fictional work. Join in and see the ways they can add depth to ponyfiction!
[1] These things.[2]
[2] Endnotes may also be considered to be included, even if not specifically named.
[3] (citation needed)
[4] Did you see what I did there? [5]
[5] God, yes, you're so clever, we get it already. (sigh)
Dang, there's really a group for everything, huh?
I thought I was the only one crazy enough to put footnotes and a bibliography in my story!
Oh, really now? I was only joking... maybe.
*unzips fly*
I really don't know, myself, sometimes.
*reaches in*
*pulls out a folded up dirty post-it note*
I ran out of pocket space for my PM. And I have a lot of pockets.
Ferret actually sent a PM. I guess that means you're left out of my gross little wtf secret :P I couldn't tell what you actually wanted.
My misinterpretation skills may be a fault, but it's far more fun that way.
Send a PM if you want to know that badly and get a bunch of "smut".
370435 Consider the query sent n__n
370432 Do you have to think about stuff like this or does it come to you naturally?
Footnotes are usually pretty cool[1], but other times they can break immersion pretty badly[3].
[1]However, sometimes it might be better to use punctuation to separate additional information from a sentence.[2]
[2] Like the dashes. Those seriously don't get used enough.
[3]Other times,[4]
[4]People will use them to be annoying.[3][5]
[5]This footnote is even more pointless than the previous one.[5]
Thanks for adding it, eh? Adding stuff to groups is apparently impossible on mobile, which is pretty much my only form of internetz[1]. This is almost as bad as when fimfic reformatted like a year ago on mobile and i couldn't follow people[2] without literally mashing the crap out of the iPhone screen to make that box appear that comes up when you hover your mouse over a person's name[3]. Thankfully, they changed it quite a few months ago so user pages are formatted to appear like they do on desktop.
[1]My phone bills are more OP than yours.
I hate my life.
[2]Bad Horse actually sent me a PM, wondering why I started following him at that point and presumably why I hadn't right after reading and faving one of his stories as is the norm. My answer was honest and rather embarrassing: cell phone limitations X_O
[3]Absolutely hard to make happen on an iPhone. I still don't know how I made it happen the few times I did.
Oh, I can't change. It would completely ruin the approach I like to call "Good Cop/Bad Horse." It works a treat.
When it comes to the subject of eccentric units of measurement I am, of course, kidding.
I am completely serious about the Minotaur, though.
Vivat Horizon, Rex Notarum![1] For he is a just king, and his wrath falls only on the deserving.
Or annoying.
Or inconvenient.
Or the nearby, if he's bored.
A reasonably just king, then. Vivat! Both reasonable and just! Truly Footnotaria is twice blessed!
[1] Damn Latin for not having a word for 'footnote.' Pedenotarum? Madness. Notarum inferiorum? *sigh* I should have paid more attention in secondary school.
Interesting. I always liked footnotes[1], but most readers seem to find them more intimidating than Pinkie with a sugar rush.
I might even have something to add. I'm going to put the finishing touches on a story I entered into a contest[3] after the results are released; perhaps then [4] I might think it fit for submission.
[1] As in, "I heard good things about this author, but a flat world atop a turtle... Wait, are these footnotes? Perhaps I should give him a chance, read one or two of his books[2]."
[2] Which turned into over half hundred, and still counting.
[3] the Body Swap contest of the Transformations group.
[4] and after adding a few more footnotes, naturally
I've never used a foot thingy in my life?!
I don't think there's any need for this group to set content restrictions beyond the site's existing rules. We are here for the footnotes; that's content-neutral!
In decreasing order of the severity of their crime: jihad, mass public shaming, outraged discussion in our forum, or (if there's some cleverness to it) addition to the "Insane Footnote Abuse" folder.[1]
Ah ha! You almost had me that time, Ghost! Almost...
Yet I still can't help but feel you might not be bullshitting. Damn, I'm gonna have to google it anyway. I am prepared to be had!
Edit: Dammit!
Now, how are incorrectly used footnotes and/or endnotes to be dealt with?
All this does is make me curious...
Sometimes, I wonder how bad Bad Horse would be if you weren't there to keep him level. Actually, that's a very friggin scary thought, BH unleashed... O_o
Never change, Ghost. Please, never change... I'm grateful for having unsoiled trousers after a BH story.
Umm... anyone know if you can add stories if you're on mobile? I want to add Etiamsi Omnes, Ego Non: The Promises (first chap is an epic poem with footnotes) which is a sequel to this, which doesn't use footnotes.
Actually, maybe I should ask permission to add it first, because it's a story that basically is meant as an insult to Fall of Equestria. It'll possibly attract some negative attention to this group because of it. I dunno.
Some of the very best moments in Pratchett books have been in the footnotes.
I dunno. I'm blaming horizon. I think he's pushier with footnotes than Ghost. After all, he made a friggin group about the things.
I dunno. I can appreciate footnotes. They have the word "foot" in them[1]. Sure. Ok, and they house useful backinfo.
[1]I'm being serious here. Don't ask unless you want an MWoT[2] of weird enthusiasm and a lot of "porn" dumped on you via PM
[2]Mighty Wall o' Text
Know some call is air am.
I am not as I was, Horizon.
How could it be? Why, my innocence rates at 11.3 kLb!
[1] The 'Lamb' innocence unit. It's a customary auxiliary unit in SI, as 1Ds/mR, that is to say, one driven snow (of pure motives) over a millirobbery of crime. It's equivalent to 2.3*10^2 of Doves Avoirdupois.
This is all GoH's fault isn't it.