• Member Since 14th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Yesterday


Not a changeling.

Project List

In approximate priority order.
LAST UPDATE: 2015/07/19

Set up Mantis bugtracker for writing projects - Because my (lack of) editing strategy isn't working.

Post Writeoff minifics to shorts collection - Organized Chaos, Granny Knows Best

Mark of Destiny [HiE] - 8000 words - Status: POST-WRITEOFF EDITING. (last touched: 7/15)

A Butterfly, Dreaming [Slice of Life] - 5500 words - Status: NEEDS POST-WRITEOFF EDITING. (last touched: 6/27)

My Faithful Student [Tragedy] - 7000 words - Status: NEEDS POST-WRITEOFF EDITING. (last touched: 4/15)

The Case of the Cowled Changelings [Mystery] - 5800 words - Status: EDITING TARTARUS. (last touched: March)

Hard Reset 2: Reset Harder [Dark] [Adventure] [AU] - Status: CHAPTER IN PROGRESS, ~4000 words written. (last written: November)

Thou Goddess annotations - Status: UNSTARTED.

The Sun Birds [Adventure] - 750 words written - Status: NEEDS MAJOR EXPANSION. (last written: 6/2014)

Hitchhikers Chapter 7 - 1.5k words written - Status: BACKBURNERED (last written: 8/2013)

Haylander: The Longest Night [Adventure] [Crossover] - 20k words - Status: BACKBURNERED (last written: 8/2013)

Haylander: Origins [Adventure] [Crossover] - 11k words - Status: ON HIATUS (waiting for H:TLN)

Recent Stories

More About Me

The fantastic colors of the liminal. The eternal dream of the elsewhere. A hoof ever in both worlds.
Has never embedded hidden messages in white-on-white text.
When not in Equestria, known as Baxil, suburban dragon.

I'm one of the curators of the Royal Canterlot Library, spotlighting the fandom's best stories. I'm also a regular medalist (and former champion) of the Writeoff Association competitions. I write in Scrivener and recommend it highly. If you've studied Anglo-Saxon I'd like your help.

"[Horizon would] be a young hip pastor if they were actually cool, and willing to get f**ked up on ‘shrooms with the lads. He’s always on the look for impromptu fishing trips, he feels ready for a hike on the hills any time. Late, at sunset, you feel he’d sit by your side, pocket knife in hand, peeling an apple and eating pieces off the blade—and he’d tell you that life has a meaning, that God is alive in the ripples of still water." –Aragón


"Horizon has a way of getting under your skin, slipping past the shields like a knife in the Dune books, too slow and yet sudden … He is always several steps ahead of you. Always." –Cynewulf, in Queen of Clubs' Seattles Angels feature
"Cold in Gardez doesn't really do bad ponyfics, and much the same applies to horizon." –Louder Yay [Loganberry]
"The odd bit between [Administrative Angel and Devil May Care] is how very different they are as stories. That ... Discord done right ... is the thing following the somber, heavy atmosphere of Administrative Angel and makes it work says a lot about the author." –PaulAsaran
"Winning writeoffs is kind of [horizon's] superpower." – Bookplayer
"In what world do I have more followers than you? … You are one of the 'holy crap I want to be that good someday' people." –SPark
"[Thou Goddess] is ultra-romantic writing at its finest, wickedly clever, perfectly written, with a beautiful measure of desperation." –Soge
"Note to self: Do not read really good ponyfic right before trying to post some of your own. Invariably crises of comparison will result." –Skywriter, on Hard Reset 2
"You're the best kind of bastard." – Eakin
"I made the mistake of reading Quiet Boy and Moon Horse in the corner of the cafe … then I had to leave, because tearing up in public is not exactly the image to project at snooty Southern Law School. Christ, I had forgotten your powers." –Cynewulf
"Horizon rewriting 'My Immortal' is, unironically, a better story than things appearing in the feature box." – Bradel
"[No Regrets] is incredibly well done." – Daetrin
"The first thing I thought upon reading Hitchhikers was that the gods of ponyfiction … had smiled upon me." – Ezn
"Horizon, like Ray Bradbury in 'The October Country,' has a knack for writing things that are sweet, funny, and creepy-sad at the same time." – Bad Horse


Since I'm a regular participant in the monthly Writeoff Association competitions, you can read (early and rough versions of) my upcoming works there.

Back in 2012, most of my writing time went into Dark Side Of The Moon, a MLP/D&D forum-based game I ran to completion. It got literary.

My favorite moments players contributed to game: We learn how Daylight Savings Time nearly restarted the Celestial War … Luna goes undercover for a day (a major inspiration for Hitchhikers) … Gemini Star fights a dragon and her doubts … Luna has a breakdown … Flare Star quits the Guard to serve justice.


If you can't wait for me to scribble more ponyfic, I've written several hundred thousand words (in short stories and novellas) set in The Tomorrowlands Universe, an alternate Earth in which the sudden (re)appearance of mythical creatures and magic sent history into a screaming left turn ca. 1996. Start with:

Dangerous Waters [Slice-of-Life] (7,375 words) - In search of a therianthrope homeland that doesn't exist, the New Atlantis Project has decided to take the next logical step: Make one. This article follows the crew of the MV Discovery on one of their expeditions to test the feasibility of raising a new island in the South Pacific.
Change Of Mind [Tragedy] (7,600 words) - An idealistic and driven mage, Alethea, has just hit the jackpot: a spell that lets people consciously modify the behaviors that are causing problems in their life. But once those problems start to follow her home, she has to figure out if she's really prepared to accept the price she's paying to change the world for the better.
Dinosaur Gods [Slice-of-Life] (5,600 words) - It's just another day at work for a tour guide at New Atlantis' foremost museum — until one of his guests starts smiling at the 65-million-year-old statue known as the Atacama Dragon. Nobody smiles at the Atacama — adults go silent at its aura of ineffable importance, and kids find it a boring hunk of rock …

Default usericon: horizon art by Onnanoko, recolored and modified by Arcum42. (Thanks also to Southpaw.)
Usericon, 1/2019-6/2019: Art by mousbones.
New usericon 6/2019: Art by Nadnerb.


New story inbound: Lower Class · 8:30am January 5th

I'm posting a new story on Monday morning!

I've been working on it continuously since August. It's only 12,000 words.

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Comments ( 444 )
  • Viewing 440 - 444 of 444

Wow I really am in luck!! A suspiciously cosmic coincidence even....
How incredible. I only read your old blog posts for information about HR2Rc; I never imagined my hope would have been answered this very week! I'm very very happy to hear this. Cheers, you beauty.

Hi there! Thanks for your interest :twilightsmile:

TL;DR: Nothing besides the story has ever been posted, but you're in luck, because I talked in my most recent blog post that resurrecting the story is my big project now that Blues is done! I'm still carrying a torch for it myself, and now that the fandom has died down in its long-tail years, there's a lot fewer distractions. Plus I just proved I can carry a full-sized novel over the finish line, and now "can I pick up and revive a dead project?" is the big question. :twilightsheepish:

Hello Horizon,
Was there ever any additional material made available for 'Hard Reset 2: Reset Harder'? I just reread the story forgetting it wasn't finished. I really love this story, and of course I beyond adore Eakin's original story. I love reading yours as a way to keep that time loop mood going! I wish you would share your drafts for the story. It's too delicious!

Hi there, thanks for stopping by :twilightsmile:

  • Viewing 440 - 444 of 444
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