• Member Since 16th Nov, 2012
  • offline last seen Dec 11th, 2023



How crossovers could be made awesome. · 3:04pm Mar 22nd, 2013

A thought occurred to me as I browsed the feature box today. What if crossovers tried changing their formats? Instead of "X character from this franchise is transported to Equestria" or "A pony is transported to X franchise", why not TRULY cross them over, and created a fused world. A world where everyone considers it perfectly normal. Essentially, craft one's own world from the elements of both. One little fic did that once, and I'd say it became somewhat popular. That fic was Fallout:

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Sure, I'll PM them to you. They definitely reflect that I was a much worse writer back then though; the characters speak in much more "LessWrongese" because back then I wasn't able to translate it well to plain English. If I was to rewrite it today, I'd use much more natural language for the characters.

I have a total of two chapters drafted, as well as a few miscellaneous scenes from chapters 3 and 4.

I'm also happy to help with your idea, if you'd like; happy to help in regards to any rationalist/immortality-based fanfiction.


No worries, I know the feeling. Though I am trying a similar project and have been looking over your conversations here and on less wrong. They have definitely been a source of inspiration. If its not too trouble, would I be able to see what you did get done? If not no worries.


I'm afraid that idea petered out quite some time ago; I'm not very good at writing large projects. I got about 10-15 thousand words in, but then stopped, and that was nearly a year ago.

Hello there. Im just wondering how that Transequine story is coming along. Saw your post on it on less wrong, I was hoping it was still in the works.

If so great! If not, I look forward to your other works.

Gee, I see you around the site a lot and your name has always rung a bell, but I could never quite pin it down.

Now I remember that you're from the Team Liquid thread!

Anyways, I'm off to read Clyde's Tales now, I guess.

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