• Member Since 29th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 20th, 2017


Avid Murder Mystery Fan who will soon publish his first


Beta Readers needed for Ace Attorney / MLP crossover fic · 1:10am Jan 25th, 2016

Hello! LevelHeadedBrony here!

For a school research project, I was allowed to write fanfiction as a part of research onto online fiction writing, and so I am in desperate need of beta-readers. Right now I'm finishing up outlining the end of the book, but I'll have a few chapters available on the 27th on a Google Doc.

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Comments ( 7 )
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Hold It!
You're part of the Ace Attorney: Equestrian Division group.
Not only that, out of the 10 stories that are in your favorite box 7 of them are Phoenix Wright related stories. My own story included!
This is decisive evidence that you are a huge fan of the series!


OBJECTION! What evidence do you have? Evidence is everything in a court of law!"

I see you're a fan of the PW stories.

Thanks for the fave on Clear Truth.


found it! I kinda feel stupid:twilightblush:

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