Risen From the Grave · 12:11am Feb 20th, 2017
There's an old folk tale, that if you say the accursed name of Dapper Guy in your mirror at 12:30 p.m. 17 times in the mirror whilst holding a chicken in your right hand, he will update a story he once wrote long ago! Awhooo! (Disclaimer: Please do not do this, I did not tell you to do this, honestly you'd be crazy to do that.)
Hey man. Just in case you log back here again at some point. What's up? Are you still writing anything? If you're interested, I'm actually going to publish my first book soon.
How sad it is that you're not here anymore
I hope you're doing great on whatever you re into now
Thanks for taking a glance at Wonderful Mechanical. Hope it was at least partially entertaining.
Can't help but love the adorable little bundle of doe-eyed destruction.
I see you enjoyed Flurry Heart's Eye Exam.
Gotcha, still planning on on writing that story you asked me to proofread? Also, lemme know what you think of the latest Sunny Days chapter when you get a chance to read them.
I am alive, just burnt out from college but praying for something to write for a chapter.
Hey man. Still around? I haven't heard from you in a while.
I will, just so bogged down with college right now.
Are you ever going to update Fallacies of the Elements?