The Changelings of Zebrica · 7:49pm Aug 14th, 2016
The Changelings of Zebrica
I admit to being a geek. Wanted an outlet to try writing, as it seems to clear my thoughts.
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I know you posted a few things out there in the internet after you stopped writing here, but that's been years.
I hope you're okay. I like your stories. I hope you keep writing.
Hey there man long time no see I miss you used to read your Chrysalis stories under the name nioniosbbbb. I wish I could talk to you again. still alive? Or are you one of the millions of people who've died due to the coronavirus?
MagnetBolt wrote a an excellent Chrysalis story, her characterization in it somewhat reminds me of your snarky version of her:
Be warned there are spoilers in the comment section.
I miss reading your Camping story.
Just needed to get that months of buildup off my chest. Hope the last episode with the fillies won't affect your story too much if you start writing again.