Life in Manehattan 363 members · 19 stories

A single event can change the courses of entire lives.

In year 999 C.E., an archaeologist from Manehattan visited the Everfree Forest. She returned with five unusual rocks believed to be the Elements of Harmony. At the time, this event seemed to be of more scientific than social value, but later, it would lead six ponies to unite unexpectedly.

Twilight Sparkle. Orange Sherbet. Blossomforth. Daring Do. Octavia. Trixie. Together, they are the Manehattan Six, the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. These are their adventures.

For quick reference, here's the currently accepted canon stories in more-or-less chronological order...
The Wrong Place at the Right Time
Apples to Oranges
Brag You Down
The DJ-PON3 Party
What You Are in the Dark
Daring Do and the Soluna Stone
Blossomforth's Determination
Blossomforth With All Your Might
Tangerine Sashay of Power
Fillies' Play
Mother Shows Best

Comments ( 12 )
  • Viewing 1 - 12 of 12

Life in Manehattan

Elsewhere this series seems to be called "the Manehattanverse". Which is the formal title?

345133 I would see it more like Futurama's what-if scenarios.

I do like and enjoy your Life in Manehattan series. I really wish if Hasbro MLP FIM Life in Manehatten adapted by Disney Studios with me as the Canadian host version of Patchy the pirate from SpongeBob SquarePants along with production music from Nickelodeon.:twilightblush::ajsmug:

Ooh. Didn't know people wrote more stories of this! :pinkiehappy:
I think I found a good picture of what Honey Do looks like.

Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted Jul 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted Jul 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted Jul 28th, 2013
Comment posted by Ethereal Trixster deleted Mar 15th, 2014
Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted May 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted May 21st, 2013
Comment posted by Goldenheart deleted Apr 13th, 2013
  • Viewing 1 - 12 of 12